Dow, 43, fully admits he needs “to do my part” as a father while acknowledging that without support at home, the eighth-year Vermont coach wouldn’t be able to pull this off. Dow’s wife, Loren Bowley Dow, is an assistant dean of undergraduates at Dartmouth College.
“I’m really fortunate to be married Loren Bowley Dow, who’s been the most amazing mother to Hanson and now Russel. She’s been carrying all the weight,” said Dow, while also thanking his in-laws and other family members and friends. “I’ve gotten more sleep than a usual new dad.”
Dow’s also been pleasantly surprised by his community, both locally and the surrounding area. Dow said small businesses have reached out to assist and he’s received messages with offers to help drive his older son to hockey practice.
“Burlington and Vermont have come through. I feel very indebted to only be a soccer coach and get this type of support,” Dow said. “If we can do anything in return, it’s to make the community proud on the field.”